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Idee per la progettazione di stand per aiutarti a distinguerti dalle fiere

Chiunque abbia partecipato a una fiera può dirti che sono essenzialmente concorsi per un numero limitato di attenzioni e che tutta questa abilità può essere un po ‘opprimente. Fortunatamente, esiste un metodo definito per la pazzia dello spettacolo. Abbiamo delineato suggerimenti su marketing pre-show, preparazione, formazione dello staff di stand, lead generation e guerrilla marketing. In questo post, costruiremo questi articoli precedenti e approfondiremo ulteriormente il modo in cui il tuo stand di design in particolare può elevarti (forse anche letteralmente) al di sopra degli espositori concorrenti. Ti mostreremo come la loro perdita è il tuo guadagno con entrambe le idee di progettazione 2D e 3D.

Soprattutto per i marchi più giovani e meno conosciuti, è importante ricordare che l’uso del solo nome della tua società solitamente non raggiunge questo scopo. I partecipanti non sono propensi a giocare a indovinelli su cosa sia il tuo marchio; passeranno al prossimo stand. Ecco alcuni suggerimenti per essere più brevi, più audaci e più pertinenti di altri espositori:
1. Utilizzare una copia chiara e accattivante per qualificare il traffico dello stand.

Come regola generale, prova a creare uno slogan a 6 parole che un lettore può interpretare entro 3 secondi. Mantienilo onesto e non renderlo troppo astratto. Se sei un giovane marchio, il tuo marchio può essere secondario rispetto allo slogan, poiché alla fine sarà più efficace nel disegnare persone al tuo stand. Affermando chiaramente qual è il tuo marchio, scoprirai anche che le persone che entrano nel tuo stand sono i partecipanti che sono realmente interessati al tuo marchio / prodotti.
2. Scegli una cosa principale che i partecipanti dovrebbero ricordare.

Cosa vuoi che i partecipanti ricordino dopo lo spettacolo quando pensano al tuo stand? La tua scelta migliore potrebbe cambiare da uno spettacolo all’altro. Se stai lanciando un nuovo prodotto o hai un nuovo modo di risolvere un punto dolente, ad esempio, probabilmente vorrai promuoverlo.
3. Mostra la tua scelta sul muro di fondo.

La parete di fondo è il punto focale delle cabine piccole e medie. Usalo per trasmettere l’unica cosa che vuoi che il pubblico ricordi di te. Le cabine più grandi possono avere un punto di riferimento in più o anche due pareti posteriori (se si trova all’angolo di una fila), ma sarà sempre un pezzo importante del “settore immobiliare” del tuo stand. Usalo saggiamente.
4. Usa la grafica digitale per un grande vantaggio, ma tieni il messaggio chiaro.

La grafica digitale mostrata sugli schermi non è ancora così diffusa come la tradizionale grafica stampata. Possono fare un ottimo lavoro per attirare l’attenzione semplicemente mostrando le immagini che cambiano, come il logo o i video del tuo prodotto in azione. La varietà e l’azione sullo schermo sono strumenti potenti, ma provare a sopraffare le persone. Concentrati sull’invio di un messaggio forte.

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Exhibition booth preparation

Participating in exhibition shows provide a possibility to advertise its product in the marketplace using the most cost-effective method for the business. Events provide one on one presentation, not only face to face demonstration but exhibition provide fantastic option to present yourself in front of a massive group of likely clients, a participant who is joining this show. Those individuals have many customers who are engaged in your business, product or offerings.
But most significant you have focus attention on your merchandise.
An exhibition should be capable of show product & services, furthermore showcase the manufacturer and impression of the presenter. A well designed and styled shows are proficiently present company’s awareness with remarkable way. Event marketing is an essential component of market practices of all type of organizations, that plan is used to advertise & promote the company’s target, which important to express than before.

It is critical to be & remain competitive among all business, an advertising plan should be planned and concentration on your product demonstration, so your product and service should be exposed to all individuals. Entering into an exhibition and trade shows present a great stage to get knowledge into new technology, product. This is also an excellent way to present product benefits to clients.
Trade shows also give you ways to form a personal & professional connection to various experts in the business, which is very important for growth. One expert opinion and advice can save lots of money & compensate many times for a company. These professional & specialists hold great value to any company’s marketing plan, they are exhibition stand suppliers.

Planning and coordinating are a very long specific, and time taking process by nature & by taking a various variable in to account it will increase work hour.
To achieve the planned objective, there are many steps needed to be followed, work needs to be done. With years for training and experience in trade show and exhibition stand designing, with a list of clients across the globe, activteam help you to have and fulfill your distinct objective, by providing help in planning, designing and follow your event marketing plan, while free yours valuable time.

Rules and regulation are different or may differ as per venue for every show. You need to be 100% ensure about information for moving forward with the plan. For example; venue, place, & plan, size, height & weight
Size is one of the important factors when you start planning for a trade show or event, other factors are; size, high building used; needed utility; cleanup; sitting arrangements; emergency plans, transports, public service etc.

Do not wait till last second to get this information, be updated and then move forward with a plan. Graphics & collateral materials are very important as it would be the first thing that attracts & comes into member’s attention. Keep them simple because participants have lots of ground to cover, graphic needed to be simple & clear so attendees get the message without a problem.
Following basic tactics give you the great advantage, selecting personnel for a trade show is also one of these tactics. You need to select strong staff for the event. Staff should professional, professional, upbeat and friendly, who can attend person in face to face conversation and leave a good impression on the attendee.
Prepare your staff before the event and provide training about product and services, goals and objective for a trade show. Showcase products are attention point so staff would have to be knowledgeable about the product, capable to tell that how your product is different from others.

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Positive aspects exhibiting internationally

Taking part at trade fairs provide the opportunity to cultivate customer relations. Relations can be maintained by a brief conversation on
the stand rather than by wasting large amounts of time and money on traveling. Trade fairs make it possible to combine several marketing instruments. If a company has the main objective to draw in new customers it has to produce a large-scale advertising campaign ahead of a trade fair. Alternatively, if its goal would be to cultivate relations with existing customers then these must be motivated to visit the stand in advance. A basic evaluation of trade fair activities reveals that exhibitions stand hire represent a marketing instrument with a wide-ranging and far-reaching impact. All the above factors under line the importance of trade fairs within the marketing mix. (Remarkable Exhibition stand Hire design Layouts)

The three major factors that need considering in organizing your stand are: your marketing targets, price range and the rules set by the organizers. A stand services provider can assist you work out such considerations. The company representatives can give you hand-drawn sketches to computer-aided designs of your would-be stands. These cover not only the platform but in addition furniture, graphics and lighting plans. (Conducting an Outstanding Exhibition Hire Stand) find here

You should also weigh on the time you have left ahead of the exhibition day. A exhibition stand hire service saves you a lot of time with its facilities, skilled workers, and and long time experience.Transport services when hiring an exhibition stand hire are another cost- and time-saving aspect of hiring a stand service.

If you want to exhibit in other countries within and beyond Europe, you do not stress about organizing and setting up your exhibition stand. The service company can manage the paperwork so you can concentrate on preparing your staff and other stuff.An exhibition stand hire

provider deliver your stand project on the venue, it spearheads the assembly of your stand as well. In addition to the structure, it places,, furniture along with equipment to where they may be expected. (How to hire an experienced exhibition stand contractor)

After the exhibition, your team is likely to be exhausted from entertaining your prospects. It will be a good consideration if you spare them from the job of dismantling your stand. A stand service has the people and tools to do this for you. It also has the knowledge. Exhibition stand hire.

Attending multiple exhibitions.
Participating in multiple shows
Exhibitions are held in different
venues. If you wish to attend another trade show in a different location, you have to prepare for the change in layout. With an capable and experienced exhibition stand service, you can manage your exhibition presentations.

Whenever looking for an exhibition stand building contractor to design and build your exhibition stand, it is imperative you choose a company that has been in the industry for many years.

The exhibition stand contractor should be able
to give you an extensive service. This should include everything from the creative design of your stand using their in-house creative designers to the build of your exhibition stand utilizing their own qualified and experienced carpenters.

Search for supply if that can create a stand that will draw in customers and help you enjoy a successful show.

Important for every exhibitor is to find Productive and efficient exhibition supply, Covering the entire design, manufacturing and supply chain.Franc Stera is executive Marketing strategist at Marketing/Most forwarded thinking by Activteam. Assisting, exhibitors to accomplish there marketing objectives.